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* webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design

***Web2007 est un bureau indépendant situé à Genève et a l'habitude de travailler pour des entreprises PARTOUT en Suisse

webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design


webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design

In this article, will be repeatedly mentioned HTML markup language when considering the transition from Flash applications and animations built on the capabilities of modern browsers. While it comes to technology in recent months should be implied dialect HTML5, but it's not. webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design In fact most of the described techniques are applicable to most dialects of HTML, HTML5, and in this case no more than the famous (thanks to Apple) brand. However, to create such an application makes sense in using HTML5, as this dialect has its advantages, improves the webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design semantics, and provides amenities like form validation, allowing you to throw out your project JS-dozen lines of code. But by itself does not do HTML5 image.
In those days, when the Flash technology has finally become an integral part of Web, it provides an opportunity webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design which then just was not in browsers. Now the situation has not fundamentally changed - Flash all well as provides the opportunities that do not provide themselves browsers. However, it is slightly different features. And those functionalities that once made popular Flash webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design technology gradually come into browsers.

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Most of the following features are available on most browsers, we consider the practical side - porting Flash - applications on the platform where Flash is not available. On this platform, we are waiting for a browser based on webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design WebKit.
In its original form of Flash - this vector animation, multimedia, and the actual logic in the form of ActionScript. Powered by WebKit available vector animation of SVG. Substantial part of animation tasks can and need to be addressed through animation CSS3. webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design Highly undesirable to apply for animation JavaScript. There is a view animation by manipulating the values ​​of CSS properties of elements. This approach has very low productivity and the animation looks unpleasant that much on personal computers and especially in webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design mobile devices such as iPad. Another thing is the use of CSS Animations. These properties give practically exhaustive CSS animation features in XML (SVG) and HTML documents.
Most reasonable, it would be manual porting applications. But this is not always appropriate in webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design the presence of a larger volume material - in this case, it makes sense to use Wallaby or Swiffy.
Wallaby Technology preview
Wallaby - an experimental technology from Adobe, designed to convert the art and animation of fla component in html, css, and svg. Support - webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design roughly equivalent to SWF 8 and ActionScript 2. At the exit there is a basic HTML, SVG sprite, CSS animation and JavaScript.
Further functional expected to bring their own, modifying Javascript. At this point of the automated porting - is the best option.
Tool webmaster developpeur transformation site boutique responsive design presented vvide AIR application (available on Windows and Mac).

****Web2007 est un bureau indépendant situé à Genève et a l'habitude de travailler pour des entreprises PARTOUT en Suisse